Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Step by Step

I know where I am to end up in this life by that I mean I know what it is I have been called to do; I can see it in the distance.

The problem is I have no idea how to from point A to point B. The funny thing is I can see the end of the pathway just not the path. No markers that say ‘this way’ or signs that say ‘stay off this path!’.

I guess this is where the saying of walking out your faith comes from. It reminds me of one of the Star Wars movies…or was it an Indiana Jones? I am certain Harrison Ford is in it at any rate. He and his companions come to a place where they are trapped. They cannot go backwards as the door is either locked behind them or there are enemies if they return the way they came. But there is no bridge to cross the abyss in front of them to get to the other side. So they jump hoping for the best and out of no place there comes a bridge and they are able to pass safely to the other side.

Little by little, baby steps by baby steps I will get to where I am going as long as I continue to make forward motion.

The funny thing is the more I pray the more the steps are filled in. Much to my humor they are being filled in from point B towards me.

I was and still am a big Rich Mullins fan so I will leave you with a video of his song Step by Step. He talks for a little bit first if you have time listen to him. It’s worthwhile.

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